The Mythical “Gummy Bear” Breast Implant

If you’re researching breast augmentation you may have heard of “gummy bear” breast implants. This term refers to the newer generation of cohesive silicone gel-filled implants which have a thicker, more put-together filling than older silicone implants. Most silicone implants these days are “gummy bear” implants.  So check out this blog article which gives you all the details on cohesive gel, aka “gummy bear” implants.

Gummy Bear implants are now the standard

If there is one piece of information that you should take away from this article, it is that most, if not all, silicone breast implants sold in the United States have the newer generation silicone gel (aka gummy fill).  Here are the need-to-know facts about cohesive gel implants: 

  • Cohesive silicone gel, in some form, is the standard for filling of today’s silicone implants:
    • The term “gummy bear” was coined over 20 years ago when advancements in silicone implant technology were still new but today, nearly all silicone breast implants use a more cohesive filling that retains its shape even when the implant shell is cut. 
  • Cohesive gel is not firm like a gummy bear:
    • The name is misleading, especially if you imagine how an actual gummy bear feels! Silicone gel filling has a soft and natural feeling just like your natural breast tissue. The “gummy” description refers to how the thicker gel holds together and retains the implant’s shape.
  • There are a few key benefits of cohesive gel implants:
    • Holds form better for more projection and cleavage
    • Lower rupture rates 
    • Improved safety if rupture occurs
    • More overfill options available  
  • The latest “gummy bear” style breast implants feel more realistic, like your natural breast:
    • Newer implants,  like the Mentor Boost option, combine a moderate overfill for projection with innovative gel that avoids a too-firm feel. This achieves a better shape without compromising softness.

Get ready for your amazing transformation

When you undergo breast augmentation with silicone implants, the latest generation of safe, shapely, and natural-feeling cohesive gel implants will be used.  Hopefully, this clears up the confusion regarding this outdated term. If you are seriously considering breast augmentation, you should also take a deeper dive into other implant-related topics.  Some of our suggestions include:

If you are serious about moving ahead, contact our office today to book your consultation!