About Eye & Brow Lift Surgery
Are you tired, happy, sad, angry? Your eyes can tell a lot about you. Excess skin and heaviness of the eyelids and eyebrows is often the first place we notice aging. Botox and fillers can help but eyelid surgery offers a more permanent solution. If you find yourself constantly arching your eyebrows to see better, it’s time to think about an eyelid lift!
Men and women over the age of 18 with ptosis (drooping) or heaviness of the eyelids and/or eyebrows.
Areas Treated
An eyelid lift addresses excess skin of the upper and/or lower eyelids. A brow lift addresses excess skin and heaviness of the brows.
Before Surgery
It is important to be in good health prior to elective surgery. If you are being treated for any chronic health condition, such as high blood pressure, we will require surgical clearance from your primary care physician prior to surgery. For surgeries requiring general anesthesia, a current EKG and basic blood work are also required. All of these precautions will contribute to a swift recovery.
Mild bruising and swelling around your eyes is expected and will improve rapidly the week after surgery. It is important to refrain from driving until swelling has subsided enough for you to have a full range of vision, typically 2-7 days post op. Sleeping at a slight incline for 1-2 weeks after surgery will help minimize bruising and swelling.

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Frequently asked Questions
Where do you place the scars with Eyelid Tucks (Blepharoplasty) and Browlifts?
Can these surgeries fix unevenness between the right and left side of my eyes and brows?
Do men really get Eyelid Tucks and Brow Lifts?
My lower eyelids are both both puffy and saggy, Is there anything I can do to make it look better?
Is an Eye Tuck and Brow Lift surgery permanent?
Is there an option for an Eyelid Tuck and Brow Lift that has shorter and less visible scars?
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