For those of you struggling with loose belly skin or stubborn fat after pregnancy, with weight changes, or from aging, you may be considering surgery. Even though a tummy tuck is the gold standard treatment for belly issues, BodyTite can also produce dramatic results in the right patients. In regards to tummy tucks, It’s always good to consider alternative options. A ‘cookie cutter’ approach that doesn’t take into account your unique presentation may subject you to more surgery than you need. So what are your options and are you a candidate for something less invasive? This blog article will be a helpful guide to answer those questions.
One Size Does Not Fit All
When it comes to treating belly issues, one size does not fit all. There are outliers – like women who have fairly tight skin after multiple pregnancies. These patients often only need a little liposuction to look better. We see this a lot in our clinic. For others, a full tummy tuck may be indicated but having formal surgery is non-negotiable and they are searching for an alternative. Many fall somewhere in between and they are candidates for all types of procedures. It can be a bit confusing!
What are my options?
The options include:
- Liposuction alone to reduce abdominal fat
- BodyTite to firm skin and melt fat in the lower abdomen
- A mini tummy tuck to treat just below the belly button and above the pubic area
- A full tummy tuck to address loose skin of the entire abdomen with belly button repositioning
The Evaluation
While BodyTite is less invasive, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and repairs separated muscles for the flattest possible result. During your consultation, I’ll perform a thorough exam to determine if you are a BodyTite candidate or if a tummy tuck is required. The goal is for your clothing to fit better and reveal an enhanced shape. For some patients, residual loose skin after tightening is acceptable. While genetics play a role in skin elasticity, I’ve seen dramatic transformations in all types of bodies with BodyTite alone.
Are you a Candidate?
These are the characteristics that we look for that are the best candidates for BodyTite as an alternative for the treatment of belly issues:
- Fat is more of an issue than loose skin
- Only mild to moderate loose skin
- Loose skin and fat are more of an issue in the lower belly
- No stretch marks
- Needs 360-degree lipo-sculpting
BodyTite May be Right For You
Rather than seeking out a one-size-fits-all procedure, you should approach your options with an open mind. Try to envision the changes you want to see and we’ll develop a customized plan. For many of our patients, BodyTite treatment alone can help them realize their goals. Most importantly, it has helped many of our patients look and feel their very best without needing a tummy tuck.