Mommy Makeover: All You Need to Know

Are you considering a Mommy Makeover? This blog article is all you need to know.

Step 1: Decide that you want to empower yourself

As a mom, it can be really difficult to find time in your busy schedule to even do the simplest of things for yourself. By default, cooking a healthy meal, devoting time to exercise or setting time aside for mindfulness exercises are often pushed to the back of the line. The net result of this lack of ‘you’ time can lead to real stress in your daily life.  So many moms have a common bond: to just survive the hectic days, little energy is devoted to self improvement. It is understandable, and many times necessary, but it has real consequences to your life and self perception.  Not taking the time to focus on you, especially when attempting to transform your post-pregnancy body, is not a recipe for success.  So you must first make the decision that you want to change. Then you must empower yourself to move forward.  Remember,  transforming yourself is a conscious choice.    

Step 2:  Nail down your diet and exercise routine

If you want to transform your body, having a reliable and achievable diet and exercise plan is really important. For your diet, focus on whole foods with well balanced macronutrients.  Use a food diary or a tracking app to get a handle on what you are taking in daily.  Prep your food more as opposed to eating out at restaurants or eating more processed foods. Even consider engaging a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), like Amy,  who can develop a plan that best fits your unique make up.   As for exercise, you have to carve out a few hours a week in some sort of activity that expends calories and tones your muscles.  Walking, biking, swimming, resistance training, yoga, cross fit or any activity that gets the heart rate up.  See if a reliable sitter is available or invest in a running stroller and bring your baby with you. Exercise is not only helpful for heart health and weight loss, the mental health benefits after pregnancy are profound.  

Step 3: Consider the next step when you have done what you can do on your end

Even though improving your diet and exercise routine following pregnancy to realize your transformation, it is often not 100% successful.  This is because your skin and soft tissue can become permanently stretched following pregnancy. Your breast can also sag and appear deflated.  The abdominal muscles can split and give your belly a pooched appearance.  You can have stretch marks and unwanted pockets of fat that are unresponsive to lifestyle changes.  And sticking to a comprehensive diet and exercise routine unfortunately won’t solve these problems. Once you realize that you will need more help to transform, move on to Step 4.  

Step 4: Transform with a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a group of surgeries and procedures that target all the post pregnancy problem areas that are not responding to diet and exercise. It is specifically designed to transform your post pregnancy breast and body, with maximal effect, by giving you a beautiful breast shape and more toned tummy appearance. A Mommy Makeover most often includes a mixture of these surgeries and procedures:

  • Breast augmentation to increase the size of breasts 
  • Breast lift to restore the perkiness of sagging breasts following breastfeeding
  • Breast reduction to improve the appearance and heaviness of larger breasts
  • Liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits of your entire body, including your arms and legs
  • Tummy tuck surgery to correct loose and sagging abdominal skin and split muscles

Step 5: Enjoy all the benefits of a Mommy Makeover after recovery 

There may not be a more transformational surgery that we offer in our clinic. And even though the recovery from a Mommy Makeover is a little long, the benefits make it worth the time to get back on your feet.  Here are a few you can enjoy for years to come after the surgery:

  • Restores your youthful contour 
  • Only have one recovery period
  • Clothes just fit better 
  • Increased confidence 
  • Look even better than before you had children
  • Enjoy putting yourself first