FaceTite™ and Liposuction: a 1-2 Punch for Treatment of the Neck

Everyone hates selfie fat – that stuff that pops out under your chin when you look down. So, when taking a selfie, the first rule of thumb is “don’t look down – always look up!” Fat in this area can be very annoying since it is often resistant to diet and exercise. Even if you are at a good body weight, these fat pockets can linger! Unwanted fat in this area can affect how you look in profile, making you look older and heavier. It also blurs the definition along your jawline, which can significantly affect your appearance. If this describes you and you want a change, FaceTite™ combined with liposuction is a great answer.


before after

This before and after shows an amazing neck transformation for one of our patients. She wanted a big improvement in her appearance, and this was accomplished by combining two procedures: FaceTite™ and liposuction. And it only took 45 minutes to complete in the office!

FaceTite™ is a great add-on to liposuction of the neck. It’s a smaller handpiece that delivers RFAL (Radio Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) technology underneath the skin, stimulating skin firming and collagen production. This allows you to really tighten the skin so that, combined with the fat removal of liposuction, your neck looks significantly more youthful and slender. This is also a great option for younger patients who want a more powerful change in their appearance, especially in profile.

A few things about this combination procedure:

  • It is completed in the office, in around 45 minutes, with you awake
  • There is about a week or two of recovery, but little missed work time
  • The procedure has little discomfort when compared to formal surgery
  • Your results will continue to improve for up to six months after the procedure
  • FaceTite™ helps reduce the typical swelling and bruising after liposuction, allowing you to get back out there quicker

In our office, we are always trying to push the limits of what we can achieve for our patients. By incorporating FaceTite™, we are pushing our liposuction results to the limits of what is possible. It is a great 1-2 punch treatment, and in this case, we knocked out this patient’s selfie fat in the first round! The best part is that with the added skin tightening benefits, her results will last her a long, long time.